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The disposable camera ( I had it, then Jonathan had it, that's why there's lotza different pics from it)

Back in January at the movie theatre, whata gentleman holding all the girls' stuff...

We took this during the previews of the movie. Everyone in the theatre moaned when the flash went off, it was great...

Same thing here, I don't think Jonathan thought I'd take the picture (he's telling me not to in this pic)...

New Year's Feet! with our sparkling Welch's grape juice of course (Joy, me and Joanna)...

Don't ask, cuz I honestly don't know...

Now Jonathan has the camera that I told him to take pics with, this is USNA...

Jonathan and one of his roommates...

Some MIDN who fell asleep during class...

One of the other roommates...

Navy boys!...

Joanna and I in New Mexico (Tuesday night)...

The first of many "lovely" pictures of me (New Mexico)...

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